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Kupiskis triathlon | Nolikums

Open Lithuanian triathlon sprint championship

Baltic cup 2019

Kupiškis, 2019 08 03

Goals and objectives

Increase popularity of triathlon sport in Lithuania.

Find out the best athletes.

The Organizers:

Lithuanian Triathlon Federation, TSK “Darna”.

Chief Organiser - Dainius Kopūstas, phone number: +37067859069, email.:

Race Referee - Vaidas Juodzevičius, phone number: +37060049519. email.:

Time and place:

Triathlon races will take place in Kupiškis 2019 August 03. Coordinates: 55.849835, 24.975422


Pre-registration until: 26th July, 23:59:59. Address:

Additional registration and number, „timing chip“ pick up at the race day (August 03) from 8:00  at the race place (near Kupiškis pond).

8.00-9.45 Aquathlon

9.00-10.30 EW, EM, V1M, V1M, V2W, V2M.

9.30-11.45 DW, DM, IW, IM, JW, JM, V3W, V3M, V4W, V4M.


10.00 - 13.00 AW, AM, BW, BM, CW, CM, MW, MM.

11.00-13.00 SPRINT relay.


Race Schedule:

Saturday 2019 08 03

I distance. Start 10:15. Aquathlon.

200 m swim (1 lap) – 1 km run (1 lap)

Date of birth

Age group

2003 and younger

W15A girls, M15A boys

1999 – 2003

W16A girls, M16A boys

1998 and older

W20A women, M20A men






II distance. Start 11:00. Open Lithuanian triathlon sprint championship, Baltic cup 2019.

750 m swim (1 lap) - 20 km bike (4 laps) - 5 km run (2 laps)

Date of birth

Age group

Elite (1980-1999)

EW women, EM men


V1W women, V1M men

1960 - 1969

V2W women, V2M men

III distance. Start 13:00 val. Open Lithuanian triathlon sprint championship, Baltic cup 2019.

400 m swim (1 lap) - 10 km bike (2 laps) - 2,5km run (1 lap)

Date of birth

Age group


DW girls, DM boys


IW girls, IM boys

2000 - 2001

JW girls, JM boys

1950- 1959

V3W women, V3M men

1949 and older

V4W women, V4M men


IV distance. Start 13:15. Mixed relay “Išbandyk triatloną komandoje”.

200 m swim (1 lap) - 10 km bike (2 laps) - 2,5 km run (1 lap)


V distance. Start 15:00. Open Lithuanian triathlon sprint championship, Baltic cup 2019.

200 m swim (1 lap) - 5 km bike (1 lap) - 1 km run (1 lap)

Date of birth

Age group

2010 and younger

AW girls, AM boys

2008 – 2009

BW girls, BM boys

2006 – 2007

CW girls, CM boys


MW women, MM men


15:45 val. Mixed relay “Išbandyk triatloną komandoje” awards.


VI distance. Start 16:30. Super Sprint Team Relay.

200 m swim (1 lap) - 5 km bike (1 lap) – 1 km run (1 lap) x 3 laps.

The team consists of three persons irrespective of age and gender.

Each team member must complete a full triathlon sprint distance.

The athlete passes to the next member of the team only after the last lap. After that athlete stops by the team member (who is preparing for the swimming) and transmits the electronic time counting sensor.

The last member of the team completes the distance in the finish.


17:40 val. Aquathlon, Open Lithuanian triathlon sprint championship, Baltic cup 2019 awards.

Transit zone near Kupiškis pond. Opening and closing time:


Transit opens

Transit closes

I Distance.



II Distance.



III Distance.



IV Distance.



V Distance.



VI Distance.




Note: Because of the race there will be road blocks, please come to the race earlier.

Competition rules:


  • Know, understand and follow the ITU Competition Rules
  • Athletes can swim with the current swimming competitions authorized swimwear suits for men and women;
  • Athletes must swim with organizers provided swim cap.
  • Forbidden to wear compression stockings (Penalty – disqualification).
  • The helmet must be securely fastened and fit properly at all times when the athlete is in possession of the bike;
  • Athletes can ride with road bikes, MTB bikes, but handlebars must comply with ITU rules.
  • Draft legal events:
    • It is forbidden to draft off a different gender athlete;
    • It is forbidden to draft off a motorbike or vehicle.
  • Failing to follow the prescribed course / not finishing described race course will result to disqualification.
  • Outside assistant is not allowed;
  • Everybody who wants can start in Elite group, but they will lose the right to their age group awards.
  • Removing helmet before mounting bike, mounting bike before mount line, and not dismounting before dismount line, outside assistant will cost – 10 seconds penalty.
  • Drafting injuring: sound of a whistle, TO shows a blue card, spells the athlete's number and phrase “Drafting penalty, you have to stop at the next penalty box”. The Technical Official has to ensure the athlete received the penalty notification. Penalty 1 minute.
  • Lapped athletes can’t draft from the athletes who past them.
  • After finishing race it is mandatory to return timing chip devise.
  • For athletes in distance II, hydro costumes are forbidden at temperatures above 20 ° C. For other distances, hydro costumes are forbidden at temperatures above 22 ° C.


Entry fee


For athletes who have not submitted their country license on the day of the competition, a one-time license fee of 3 EUR.

Entry fee payment details:


Lietuvos triatlono federacija

Žemaitės g. 6, Vilnius

A/s LT827300010134192454

SWIFT HABALT22, Swedbank, AB


Please write details in purpose of payment: Name, surname, your start, age group.



First and third starts races winners will be rewarded with: medals, diploma and prizes.


All costs related to athletes participation in race must be financed by organization who sending athletes to the race.

Swim, Bike, Run courses details:

Swim conduct: Expecting water temperature should be 180 – 240 C.

Bike course loop width 3 – 4 m., surface – asphalt.

Run course loop:  asphalt, grass, gravel.


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Izlases formas


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